Istanbul Art, Painting Workshops by Les Arts Turcs

Istanbul Art, Painting Workshops by Les Arts Turcs

Istanbul Art, Painting Workshops by Les Arts Turcs Team.Turkish,Ottoman Art classes,lessons.Стамбул.

Les Arts Turcs is a small gallery and artspace near the Topkapi Palace that both sells and displays original pieces, and offers classes in Turkish techniques such as ebru and calligraphy. And they let you get right to the fun stuff: within a couple minutes of entering the workshop, we were bent over trays of water, applying our first dabs of color. Marbling is something which doesn’t require a lot of prior instruction.

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Les Arts Turcs Sultanahmet.
Details about the Marbling Class, Miniatures, Calligraphies, Art Painting etc.

Gallery Les Arts Turcs.
Ebru workshops in Istanbul

Ebru Marbling Art Masterclass in Sultanahmet. To join our classes, pls contact Whatsapp +905442201022
