Istanbul +90 544 220 10 22


Whirling Dervish Ceremony in Sufi Monastery
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Turkish Marbling Ebru Lessons Workshops
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Turkish and Ottoman Cooking Class in Istanbul
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Turkish Dance Night Show in Sultanahmet
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Whirling Dervish Ceremony

in a Sufi Monastery

20 October 2024

Hodjapasha: Whirling Dervish Ceremony in Istanbul

For a blend of history and modernity, the Hodjapasha Cultural Center is a fantastic choice....

16 October 2024

To All Who Love Istanbul Deeply

"一座城市,两个大洲,地处亚欧十字路口,穿越风光秀丽的海峡,在温柔的海风中聆听自然的歌唱" 你是童话里的君士坦丁堡,你是千年荣光里的拜占庭帝国,你是救赎东征十字军的希望 你是延续丝绸之路的终点 你是文明,你是对立,你是延续,你是传承 光辉与落幕, 重建与更替 在这里几度上演, 支离破碎, 前赴后继 如乘飞鸟,略过时间的风 博斯普鲁斯里肯定藏着深海的精灵,否则怎有那样的壮阔波澜神秘宁静,日落时分华灯初上,海岸线染得金黄。刚好而我只记得与你相遇的那个晚上。清真寺里满是虔诚做礼拜的信徒 镂空的十字架建筑依旁而建 多少宗教信仰汇聚于此相互碰撞才得以包容延续 圣索菲亚到底几层面纱,斑驳破碎的墙壁上展现出残缺又精美的马赛克人像,是曾被历史抹去又在漫长岁月变迁里被揭开的真相。 海鸥再晚霞中嬉闹,一艘艘轮船在海湾停泊,远处的列车缓缓驶过跨海大桥,海边一排排钓鱼人,每一处都是精美的画作...

12 October 2024

Experience the Authentic Whirling Dervish Ceremony in Istanbul

Whirling Dervish Ceremony Real Monastery Step into the heart of the Sufi tradition at a...

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